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Born Sofia Baffo, Safiye Sultan was of Venetian descent. She was the daughter of the Governor of Corfu, who had been abducted by corsairs and sold to the Ottoman harem in her youth. She became the chief wife of the Sultan Murad III after over ten years of living in the harem, and was the mother of the future Sultan Mehmed III.

Safiye Sultan was known for her public presence in state politics. She was also an important advisor in matters of governance to both Murad III and Mehmed III. While she was able to increase her son’s patronage of the army, she also competed with other counselors, such as viziers, the mufti, eunuchs, and other favorites.

Safiye Sultan also exchanged gifts with Queen Elizabeth I, including jewels, robes, and a carriage, in which Safiye would travel through the city, much to the scandal of the court.

According to public perception, Safiye’s interference was excessive. That she unduly promoted her interests caused her unpopularity, with people believing she had extended her reach beyond the bounds of the valide sultan. She was also seen as openly favoring Venetian interests.

Safiye, from whom the rest of the Ottoman sultans descended, also began the construction of the Yeni Valide Mosque in Istanbul in 1598, which would later be finished by Turhan Hatice. The Al-Malika Safiyya Mosque in Cairo was named in her honor.


Haseki Sultan

Imperial Consort

Safiye had been Murad's only concubine prior to his accession, and he continued having a monogamous relationship with her for several years into his sultanate. His mother Nurbanu advised him to take other concubines for the good of the dynasty,which by 1581 had only one surviving heir, Murad and Safiye's son Mehmed. In 1583, Nurbanu accused Safiye of using witches and sorcerers to render Murad impotent and prevent him from taking new concubines. This resulted in the imprisonment and torture of Safiye's servants.Murad's sister Esmehan presented him with two beautiful concubines, which he accepted. Cured of his impotence, he went on to father twenty sons and twenty-seven daughters.

Venetian reports state that after an initial bitterness, Safiye kept her dignity and showed no jealousy of Murad's concubines. She even procured more for him, earning the gratitude of the Sultan, who continued to value her and consult her on political matters, especially after the death of Nurbanu. During Murad's latter years, Safiye returned to being his only companion.However, it is unlikely that Safiye ever became Murad's wife—though the Ottoman historian Mustafa Ali refers to her as such, he is contradicted by reports from the Venetian and English ambassadors.

She was influential as a Haseki,a rank bestowed on her less than a year after Murad ascended the throne.[9] As Giovanni Moro reported in 1590 with the authority she {Safiye} enjoys as mother of the prince, she intervenes on occasion in affairs of state, although she is much respected in this, and is listened to by His Majesty who considers her sensible and wise.

When Murad died in 1595, Safiye arranged for her son Mehmed to succeed as sultan, and she became the Valide Sultan—one of the most powerful in Ottoman history. Until her son's death in 1603, Ottoman politics were determined by a party headed by herself and Gazanfer AÄŸa, chief of the white eunuchs and head of the enderun (the imperial inner palace).

Safiye eventually enjoyed an enormous stipend of 3,000 aspers a day during the latter part of her son's reign.When Mehmed III went on the Eger campaign in Hungary in 1596, he gave his mother great power over the empire, leaving her in charge of the treasury. During her interim rule she persuaded her son to revoke a political appointment of the judgeship of Istanbul and to reassign to the grand vizierate to Damat Ibrahim Pasha, her son-in-law.

During this period, the secretary of the English ambassador reported that while in the palace, Safiye "espied a number of boats upon the river [the Bosphorus] hurrying together. The Queen Mother sent to enquire of the matter [and] was told that the Vizier did justice upon certain chabies [kahpe], that is, whores. She, taking displeasure, sent word and advised [the Vizier] that her son had left him to govern the city and not to devour the women; [thus] commanding him to look well to the other business and not to meddle any more with the women till his master's return."

The greatest crisis Safiye endured as valide sultan stemmed from her reliance on her kira, Esperanza Malchi. A kira was a non-Muslim woman (typically Jewish) who acted as an intermediary between a secluded woman of the harem and the outside world, serving as a business agent and secretary. In 1600, the imperial cavalry rose in rebellion at the influence of Malchi and her son, who had amassed over 50 million aspers in wealth. Safiye was held responsible for this, along with the debased currency the troops were paid with, and nearly suffered the wrath of the soldiers, who brutally killed Malchi and her son. Mehmed III was forced to say "he would counsel his mother and correct his servants." To prevent the soldiers from suspecting her influence over the Sultan, Safiye persuaded Mehmed to have his decrees written out by the Grand Vizier, instead of personally signing them.

Interior design of Yeni Mosque in EminönüIstanbul. The construction began during Safiye's regency.

Safiye was instrumental in the execution of her grandson Mahmud in 1603, having intercepted a message sent to his mother by a religious seer, who predicted that Mehmed III would die in six months and be succeeded by his son. According to the English ambassador, Mahmud was distressed at "how his father was altogether led by the old Sultana his Grandmother & the state went to Ruin, she respecting nothing but her own desire to get money, & often lamented thereof to his mother," who was "not favored of the Queen mother." The sultan, suspecting a plot and jealous of his son's popularity, had him strangled.

FROM 1595 TO 1603

Valide Sultan


Together with Murad, Safiye had four children:

  • Mehmed III (May 26, 1566 – December 22, 1603), became the next sultan succeeding his father Murad III

  • Åžehzade Sultan Mahmud (1568, Manisa Palace, Manisa - 1581, Topkapı Palace, Istanbul, buried in Selim II Mausoleum, Hagia Sophia Mosque);

  • AyÅŸe Sultan (1570 – 15 May 1605, buried in Selim II Mausoleum, Hagia Sophia Mosque)

  • Fatma Sultan (1577 – 1620, buried in Murad III Mausoleum, Hagia Sophia Mosque)

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Foreign relations

Safiye also maintained good relations with England. She persuaded Mehmed III to let the English ambassador accompany him on campaign in Hungary. One unique aspect of her career is that she corresponded personally with Queen Elizabeth I of England, volunteering to petition the Sultan on Elizabeth's behalf. The two women also exchanged gifts. On one occasion, Safiye received a portrait of Elizabeth in exchange for "two garments of cloth of silver, one girdle of cloth of silver, [and] two handkerchiefs wrought with massy gold

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Public Works

Safiye is also famous for starting the construction of Yeni Mosque, the "new mosque" in EminönüIstanbul, in 1597. Part of Istanbul's Jewish quarter was razed to make way for the structure, whose massive building costs made Safiye unpopular with the soldiery, who wanted her exiled. At one point Mehmed III temporarily sent her to the Old Palace.Though she returned, she did not live to see the mosque completed. After Mehmed died, Safiye lost power and was permanently exiled to the Old Palace. The mosque's construction was halted for decades. It was finally completed in 1665 by another valide sultan, Turhan Hatice, mother of Mehmed IV.

Leslie Peirce points out in her book that Safiye was still alive during the first months of her daughter-in-law's retirement in the Old Palace between Mustafa I's two reigns, which means that she was alive at least until 1619 and died during the reign of her great-grandson Osman II. Safiye was buried in Murad III's tomb


In the 2015 TV series MuhteÅŸem Yüzyıl: Kösem, Safiye Sultan is portrayed by Turkish actress Hülya AvÅŸar.


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